Lead Product Designer
User research
Product design
Ironclad is the nation’s top enterprise solution for managing contracts. Clients use Ironclad to collaborate and negotiate contracts, maintain compliance, and turn contracts into critical carriers of operational business intelligence.
I was brought into this project to help lead design thinking by interviewing users, formulating solutions to their needs, and executing on the design for those solutions. I paired up with 1 Project Manager, 1 Engineering Lead, 3 Front-End Engineers, and 1 Back-End Engineer to research, interview, plan, and execute on new concepts for the Ironclad system.
I spoke to a wide range of Ironclad users, and two critical areas of user frustration immediately arose.
Users had stacks of identical contracts that only differed by a few key pieces of information. The only way to input information was to manually copy a contract and replace the data line by line.
Typically, a chain of people are required to verify, approve, and sign off on larger contracts before they’re completed. The current Ironclad offering lacked any ability for users to set these controls.
Users ultimately needed a way to rapidly create multiple contracts and edit individual information in one centralized place. Additionally, users needed far more controls over permissions and workflows within contract signing.

I devised a system to define and set contract permissions and customize the workflow of contract signees. I also introduced the concept of roles and the ability to place them into a flow based on specific parameters.

I designed a platform where contract variables could be created, defined, and utilized across the platform. They could then be inserted into any contract templates. For roles, I created a workflow for defining contract signees and ordering and defining users.

I shared these concepts with users to resounding positive feedback. However, a bit of refinement was needed. The concept of roles needed to be more clearly defined and contract variables needed to be better explained in order to accelerate workflows.

Incorporating the user feedback, I refined roles and their place in the workflow and better defined the concept of variables in contract templates.

Faster contract creation speed
Rise in user engagement
Positive feedback entries
The most in Ironclad history